Flashback Friday: Catch Up Time!


Texas A&M DIPW
Year End Bash 2021

Hello World and Happy New Year!

It's been a hot minute since I last posted and that's because life's been busy! Let me catch you up a bit with this flashback. On October 30, 2021 my fellow RD2Be's and I attended the Dietetic Internship Preparation Workshop (DIPW) hosted by Texas A&M every year. My biggest take away from this trip was that not only do I have a butt ton of options (which is only a little overwhelming), but also that this journey could take me some place I didn't imagine.

Almost every single RD I spoke to said that they originally wanted to go into one field of work and ended up some place else. So, who knows maybe I'll be a pediatric dietitian like I'm planning, or maybe I'll work in private practice, or with veterans, or maybe God has some other plan in general? This is also emphasized by the fact that most of my colleagues are graduating this coming May and I'm planning on graduating in December. You see I'm in this strange spot because #1 I failed organic chemistry last semester (which was a bummer, but that's a whole other post) and #2 even if I didn't fail organic chemistry microbiology collided with every single class this semester! My mom mentioned just taking it over the summer, but I personally feel like that's an awful idea. Science classes are usually complex, and I don't want to end up wasting money because I failed a summer course that I would have passed if it were a full semester.

So, what's the plan? I'm either going to tack on a minor that can be done in a semester or retake some class alongside microbiology and graduate with a higher GPA. Either way I'm going to here a little longer than anticipated, but I know God has a plan for everything including my screw ups. Hoping to post a little more soon. I have some past assignments I've been wanting to share so hopefully I'll get to do that.

Autumn Littles
